About the company
For the 15 years of its existence, LLC “Spetstechkomplekt” has managed to accumulate a solid theoretical and extensive practical experience.
The main fields of expertise include:
-running certificated tests of packages, packaging sets and containers;
-design and manufacture of complex, non-standard and one of a kind technological equipment to be used for the management of radioactive waste (RW) and spent nuclear fuel (SNF);
-design, manufacture and certification of containers as well as transport packaging sets (TPS) for transportation and storage purposes of radioactive waste;
-design, production, installation and maintenance of lifting equipment;
-modernization of control systems of crane equipment;
-investigation, reconstruction and modernization of complex and hazardous production facilities, including nuclear facilities;
-design, construction of buildings and structures of any complexity;
Our projects, unique technical potential together with technical equipment contribute to high-quality, reliable and effective implementation assigned tasks.