Automatization of technical control systems (ATCS)
Currently, technological processes, in various fields of modern industries, are more than ever in need of automated and automatic control systems-ATCS. Especially this concerns the hazardous production facilities that falls under the requirements of federal law №116-FZ.
The working principles of our company are: professional approach in solving tasks, precise technological solutions, fast and high-quality implementation of projects.
System integration requires a cohesive team that is capable to fast identify the needs of a customer and offer him the most optimal solution to the problem. System integration is a process of development and realization of complex solutions of various tasks: interconnected automatization systems of manufacturing processes of an industry that integrate dissimilar technologies and equipment from different manufactures.
In general case, the system integration is carried out in four stages:
1. Analysis of technological process and formulation of a task;
2. Development and proposal of a valid decision;
3. Practical implementation of an agreed solution;
4. Service support of a functional solution.
Process automatization is an integral part of technical progress as it allows you to ensure the safe operation of the equipment and its operation staff.
Technological solutions that are being implemented in various projects, are always based on the use of modern technologies and principles for creation of automated process control systems. Such approach is aimed to create reliable systems that meet all the requirements of governing documents, as well as considering the features of the product and wishes of the customer.
The up-to-date technical solutions are ensured, among other things, using the best-proven brands of automation equipment from foreign and domestic manufacturers such as: Siemens, Satec, Advantech, Micronika, Sprecher etc.
We have developed and successfully installed the following control systems:
-self-propelled installation for applying a polymer coating on horizontal and vertical surfaces of the building, FSUE SevRAO;
-modular gas boiler room IVS,
-cargo trolleys at the storage of the radioactive waste for FSUE “SevRAO”;
-Bridge cranes designed for assembling RCTs at the Baikonur “Progress” Assembly-Testing Facility of Spacecrafts;
-Remote control of the unloading complex for RAW FSUE “SevRAO”;
-Installed remote control, Hiab 700, on a transportation trolley of FSUE “SevRAO”.
Development and implementation of the automated process control systems is carried out in the following fields:
· Tele mechanization of substations;
· Creation of automated process control systems for substations;
· Automation of control points.
Specialists, working at the department that responsible for development of automated control systems of technological processes, have the following duties:
· Development of tender documentation;
· Development of technical specification;
· Inspection of products;
· Implementation of stage P (Project) and WD (Working documentation);
· Supervision.